You can bring the power of T.A.K.E self-defense training to your campus. Learn the first steps in planning a class.

How to Get Started

Let us help you! We understand that this may be the first event of this type you’ve ever organized so please check out our How to Get Started page. We’ve provided helpful hints on what it takes to get your event off on the right foot!

Who Can Attend?

Any female 12 years and older may attend. Our oldest participant to date was 92 years old! There’s no age limit on your safety so we encourage women of all ages to attend.

Schedule a Class

So you’ve been through the University Tour planning information and you’re ready to bring T.A.K.E. to your campus? Great! Let’s schedule your class!

Schedule a Class


When we travel we appreciate financial assistance in order to defray costs and to continue to train women across the country. Depending on the location of the school most planners work to donate between $2,500 to $3,000 for the program. To help you in that effort, please visit our Fundraising Ideas page for some ideas that have been successful in the past.

T.A.K.E. Defense Toolkit

We have helpful documents to help you plan your event. Download one of the T.A.K.E. Defense Toolkits available in this section!